New wellbeing park for Weston

Ellenborough Park West, which has previously been closed to the community, will be open for all to use from 2ndDecember 2020.

In the past, it has been managed and used by Corpus Christie Church and school. Weston Town Council has now taken on the management of this valuable community space.

The council will continue to work closely with Corpus Christie School and Church, allowing them full use of the park for recreational activities or outdoor learning.

Weston Town Council manages Ellenborough Park East, sited directly opposite. This park is a favourite for dog walkers and will remain as it is currently used. As Ellenborough Park West will be a wellbeing park, allowing for outside yoga in the summer, picnics, events, children to play etc., it will continue with the existing ‘No Dogs’ policy for. There are many places in Weston where you can walk dogs, but few which are explicitly dog free.

Over the next few months as we head towards spring the council will be having a tidy up and review of the area.  Everything from ensuring all the trees are in tip top condition to installing benches and clearing entrance paths. We hope to make this space a sanctuary for people to come and sit with their thoughts, read a book, have a picnic with friends and family.

We are also looking to establish a Friends Group for the park, as well as other volunteering opportunities in this and other outdoor sites. If you would be interested or wish to find out more, please email