
29 October, 2022


11am, 12:30pm, 2pm




We are Super
The Sovereign
High Street
BS23 1HL.

Green Futures: Ants and Grasshopper

Saturday 29 October, 11am 12:30pm, 2pm at We are Super, The Sovereign

Film only

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Age certificate: 12A with references to forced marriage

A climate change documentary that centres on its effects in Malawi, exploring how power and privilege shape climate justice and food justice from Africa to America – and how we might move forward together.

Taking its title from an Aesop’s fable, whereby a fiddle-playing grasshopper approaches some ants asking them to lend him some food, the film asks audiences to consider the extent to which climate change is entangled with matters of food security, race, and inequality.  


Travelling from Malawi to California to the White House, Malawian woman Anita Chitaya sets out on a journey to persuade Americans that climate change is real, meeting climate skeptics and despairing farmers. Her journey takes her across all the divisions shaping the US, from the rural-urban divide, to schisms of race, class and gender, to the thinking that allows Americans to believe they live on a different planet from everyone else. It will take all her skill and experience to help Americans recognise, and free themselves from, a logic that is already destroying the Earth. 

Read more about Green Futures HERE

View the trailer HERE

Guardian review HERE